Quality, not quantity

Family owned Bulgarian honeybee farm established in 2017 with approx. 200 beehives, cared by 1 Chief Imker Officer(CIO), 3 family members and yours truly (Yavor). The bee farm is part of the co-funded by the apiculture European Union Program for underdeveloped rural regions incentivising bio beekeeping (due to lack of any other source of income for local people, the lack of any industry/urbanisation and in support of BIO agriculture).

The region is a natural marvel, known for its historic importance with the Bulgarian rebellion against the Ottoman empire last stand(Rashov dol 1876), the bastion of Christianity “Cherepish monastery” arson multiple times by Ottomans and the “Ritlite” rock formation in the valley of Iskar river amid the Balkan mountains.

Since 2017 the farm is under development, focused only on bee families natural growth and their health. As such 2022 was the first harvest year a honey production was offered for sale. The farm produced approx.. 5 000kg of honey (Acacia, Linde and Polyfloral mostly), but also minor quantities of Forest honey (Waldhonig from oak trees).